No More Heroes 2 is sadly not what I expected. It was good, but dissapointing when its compared with the first.

User Rating: 8 | No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle WII
First off, I enjoyed the game. However it has it's ups and downs. Suda 51 did keep his wierd ways of doing things, but he failed to meet my standards.

The Good:
+Controls are nice- not difficult by all means.
+Easier then the first - this is good and bad. You can fly through this game pretty quick because of this reason.
+Get the chance to use Henry and Shinobu
+Do not have to save up money this time to make it to the next boss (another reason for the game being shorter).
+80's looking mini games - this is fun because they are 80's looking.

The Bad:
-Really short
-Repeated characters...lots of repeated characters
-Major plot holes (I found at least three things that have a huge hole that wasn't filled)
-When you get to use Henry you only use him for 1 battle. You would think that you would get to use him more.
-Seemed repetitive, both story and battle wise. I understand the battling but the story was basically "been here, done this."

Overall, I was dissapointed. I liked it, and I loved No More Heroes...but overall dissapointed. I felt like I was reapeating the first one but in this case it was just shorter with less to do. I did like most of the new characters I saw. Some were very interesting people, which is always nice.
However, I hope there is a third one. It would be nice to see something new in the world of Travis Touchdown.
I do suggest the game, especially if you have played the first. It isn't bad, but it isn't great either. Though I do think it is one of the better Wii games I have played (I thought the same with the first). Anyways, buy is a pretty good game.