Has its problems, but if you really want a browser for your DS

User Rating: 6 | Nintendo DS Web Browser DS
The good:

1. Intuitive interface
2. Allows you to save favourites
3. Fast enough to be usable
4. Supports CSS well
5. Renders pages with "normal" layout
6. Wireless connectivity

The bad:

1. Reduces image quality (to save memory?)
2. Doesn't store cookies
3. Doesn't have a VPN client (I have to log in from the web interface at work)
4. No plugins
5. Pretty slow and, because of this, unresponsive
6. Text input is fiddly by either method
7. No facility to save anything (except favourites)

In summary, if you have a wireless router at home and/or wireless access at work, you might want to check this out. However, for serious browsing you'll still go for your laptop every time. More of a neat toy than a tool.