Best game in DS

User Rating: 10 | Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword DS
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword kicks a whole lot of butt on the Nintendo DS. Visually, the game's a stunner, and the action is intense and almost non-stop. I don't think the game makes the ultimate case for touch-screen exclusive control in action games, and I certainly don't think stylus control is better than traditional control for the Ninja Gaiden design. But what Team Ninja created for the Nintendo DS definitely works in turning something traditional into something different and unique without forgetting about the fun, too.
The overall difficulty isn't tremendously challenging, and it's certainly not as hard to finish as the console Ninja Gaiden games. You can plow through Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword in six to seven hours of game time, which, after a few inevitable trial-and-error deaths, boils down to about eight or nine hours. Beyond that, you'll unlock a much more vicious difficulty level, and you have the ability to get your scores ranked on the Ninja Gaiden Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection server. And there's a few hidden treats you can snag along the way, but to get them all you'll definitely have to play through the game at least twice.