Could have been good game, but fails to deliver great gaming experience.

User Rating: 6.5 | Ninety-Nine Nights X360
There is few good things to say about this game. First one is the graphics. They aren't bad. In fact graphics are pretty good. Characters are very good looking and some parts of the environments are pretty ok too. Game play is pretty good and learning curve is very low. So everyone can get on the game very fast. And then we go after the bad... I played the demo of this game and it included the japan voice actors (and english) And I liked the japan voice actors. But full game includes only english voice actors. And english voice actors are so bad! Camera is also very bad... Firstly it is too close and you always have to rotate camera on it's proper place.

Difficulty is pretty easy... only boss battles are little bit difficult. You can play this game pretty fast at the end(this if you have the mentally strong!) Story of the game is pretty interesting, but pretty soon it gets very boring. I only recommend this game if you find this at the bargain bin.