THIS is better than Shinobi?!?!?!

User Rating: 5 | Nightshade PS2
I knew it was gonna be hard, but did it have to be because of endless chasms and pits? What kind of crap is this? Okay, so maybe it has some good points, like the extended combo ability wit the short swords, that allow you to save up some kind of chi magic to do stealth kills, but if enemies are constantly running from you/hitting you while charging/being obstructed by objects, then it really serves no purpose.

I give it props for good graphics. Great character models and lighting effects. The "stealth kill" actually looks pretty cool.

Why couldn't they do the voices in Japanese? And why won't Hibana shut up? I don't care how rotten her day is. And if her voice actress is reading this, I officially DON'T LIKE YOU.

Gameplay... oh my head. When they said in some ways that this one was even HARDER than Shinobi, I shook my head... well, they didn't lie. And it's mostly because of ultra-evasive bosses (Armored Hellspawn/Jimushi/that chick with the umbrella) and the fact that later stages won't even give you any ground to stand on.. literally. It wouldn't be such a problem except for the enemies that also happen to be expert marksmen, or split-second blockers. And how about pulling a 30-hit Tate combo... over a chasm? Fun.

I had to retry my battle with Jimushi over 70 TIMES!!! Did you know that Jimushi can hit you wherever you go, and yet the bastard stays way up on the highest pillar? Or that the armored hellspawn not only hurts like the dickens, but EVERY attack he has stuns you... plus he moves like the Flash!

They gave it a 7... I say that's too good for this game. I'll give this bastard child of Shinobi a 5.. and that's being generous. Of all the so called extras, the only one that kept me playing was the fact that Hotsuma is unlockable in this game... which I thought was cool, until I learned that he's slower than Hibana, doesn't have her combo ability, and STILL has that annoying handicap from the other game (and you KNOW which one I'm talking about.) Screw that... he can stay locked.

I'm done with this game. Sega didn't have to do this to us. They've proven they hate us enough by sleeping with Microsoft. And compared to Hotsuma, Hibana just plain sucks.

I'm gonna go play Contra: Shattered Soldier.