I thought games was supposed to get better as you go from one year to the next

User Rating: 6 | NHL 2K9 PS3
What happened to the progress 2k made in nhl 2k7 this was a pretty good game.Then came nhl 2k8 in this one they decided to change the controls all around(and not for the better)which was the most stupid thing that i ever seen developers do.The game play and graphics was very good though.Then came this piece of crap it looks like they went back to 2k6 and released it again.The graphics are terrible,the frame rate sucks,and the commentary is the same, they took the same dialogue and put a new voice to it thats it.I thought 2k wanted to regain consumer confidence in this years game, they achieved nothing but the opposite. This game is terrible and i feel embarassed with the fact that i spent $60.00 for it,and shame on you 2k for releaseing such a low quality product for this amount of money.All 2k had to do was put the controls from 2k9 on the 2k8 game and they would have a very good game.