Where are the fights????

User Rating: 8.5 | NHL 2K9 PS2
The game is good. It's what you would expect from 2kSports. Gameplay is good, graphics are good. But where is the fighting??? I've been playing for hours now and still haven't had one fight! I bought this game over the EA offering because of the price and the gameplay. But I'm already missing EA's fighting. Hopefully I can figure out how to get more gloves to drop and this game will greatly improve.

The other negative I had with this game. Is how far out of date the rosters were. It took me two hours to make all the changes. Couldn't somebody on the 2K payroll have taken a couple hours before the game was released and updated them for us? Besides this and the fighting. Like I said, I think this is a really good game. And considering the price. Certainly worth picking up for any hockey fan.