Severely underrated.

User Rating: 9.5 | NHL 2K9 WII
Last fall I was looking at the Wikipedia list of NHL 2K games and was, like many others, extremely excited that 2K9 would be on Wii. For months I was hyped about it and couldn't wait for September 9th. Unfortunatly when the game was released most reviews were mixed to negative, which really got me dissapointed. However I had been waiting too long for a hockey game on Wii and bought it anyway. And when I got home, WOAH!!!!

Despite the graphics being passable on the N64 and the different game modes limited, the gameplay was superb and quite unique. Swinging the Wii-mote for shoots was fun and shaking for checks was quite good. The fight were exciting, and the goaltending controls were quite nice. I also found the zamboni mini-game to be a nice little feature.

All in all, 2K truely did "Bring back the fun". If you like advance features you should avoid this game, but if you want to just have a good buy it now.