Please avoid this game! Reading this will save you money and pain!

User Rating: 3 | NHL 2K9 WII
I was able to finally get my hands on a copy of NHL 2K9 for the Nintendo Wii via rental. I have purchased all my games to this point with virtually no renting, but for some reason I had a feeling that I shouldn't do that in the case of NHL 2K9..and thankfully I made the right decision. This game has taken a sport and game that I have loved throughout the years, and threw it in the mud, kicked it and then walked away. I truly can't understand how the passing system used in this game was approved during any stage of development. Someone had to have noticed this system can't work. While playing this game you can't just concentrate on playing the game of hockey, you must also concentrate on the almost horrendous mini game of pointer controlling. My eyes constantly shifting from puck, to offensive alignment, defensive alignment and tiny blue cursor, this is almost convulsion inducing. This may be easier with time if it wasn't for the fact the shooting system is designed to be played out like taking a real shot. This naturally means your no longer pointing at the screen. So while there is just about to be a rebound since you had just taken a shot. You must watch the mad dash of horribly designed blocky/fuzzy-ish players, clump into one area, find a little tiny fuzzy black dot within this large ugly mess of characters....annnnnd find your little blue cursor so in case you get the rebound quick, you can make a quick pass out to the point in order to get a one timer. This simply just doesn't work. You can't intelligently play a hockey game when the controls used to play it, simply don't allow for the most basic of plays to work. This leads me to believe that the people in charge of design and approving of the controls in this game, are less intelligent than a minor hockey coach and the 10 year olds who are able to understand how these plays happen.(Not that I'm saying 10 year olds and minor hockey coaches are stupid, I just needed to make a point. Thank you to all the minor hockey coaches out there and good luck little guys in your upcoming season). Anyways..... If you are going to make a hockey game next year, remove the IR passes. Or at least make it an option to play with or without it on. I just don't understand how this was allowed. I do understand you had a deadline to make. And I'm not talking just about the NHL season. I'm also talking about the deadline of beating NHL 09 out the door so people will buy yours first just to get there fix, only to buy EA's after for a superior experience. It wouldn't of been profitable to release after EA. But Wii owners would of understood if you took an extra few months to get the controls right. You would still of had the entire Wii hockey market regardless of release date. But at least with a delay Wii owners would want to purchase this game. Instead of avoiding it at all cost. I have never written a review before but I felt as thought it was necessary to warn the unsuspecting public of this atrocious attempt at a hockey game. Don't get me wrong I'm sure the type of people who stare at blocks for hours while laughing then run into walls at high speeds will love this game. Unfortunately anybody with proper motor skills and any hockey knowledge needs to avoid this game at all costs. So please if you see this game do not buy it, and if you see others about to buy it, stop them. This game cannot be purchased, Video game developers cannot be rewarded for shipping cr*p like this out.