This is a high quality sports game for your old Dreamcast.

User Rating: 8 | NHL 2K DC
Sports games aren't my favorite genre when it comes to games. In addition hockey isn't my favorite sport by a long shot. However, I've got to give this rather old game credit for being so smooth and gorgeous. This game is just high quality from top to bottom. I enjoyed the in game commentary the most because it includes tid-bits of different teams' histories together. Also there is an up to date roster of players (up to 1999 at least). The gameplay is great! Your team AI reacts appropriately to situations and the controls are awesomely responsive. The sound and graphics are incredible as well. I enjoy season mode a lot too as you can play all the games you want or just simulate scores. I realize that these features are quite primitive but I'm only just getting into sports games. I'd recommend this to hockey fans who don't mind an outdated roster. I was able to find it on eBay for pretty cheap.