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PlayStation 4 launching in Australia this holiday for $549

Multiplayer on PS4 to require PlayStation Plus subscription; console allows for game loaning and secondhand sales.


Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that the PlayStation 4 will launch in Australia this holiday season for A$549.

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The news comes just hours after Microsoft confirmed that the Xbox One will go on sale Down Under this November for A$599. The PS4 has been priced at USD$399 for North America.

As part of the two-hour-long press conference, Sony discussed a slate of software that included Destiny, Watch Dogs, Transistor, Don't Starve, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which has been renamed to Final Fantasy XV. Multiplayer gaming will soon require a PlayStation Plus subscription. Sony did confirm that existing Plus accounts will make the transition to the PS4, and said that existing accounts will allow for Cross Buy purchases between the PS3, PS4, and Vita handheld.

Sony used the event to thank its loyal PlayStation fans, specifically those who made contact with the publisher and requested that the company not include the restrictive Digital Rights Management system in place on the Xbox One. Microsoft's system requires consoles to authenticate with Xbox servers once per day. Sony publicised the fact that the PlayStation 4 will not require a check-in system, and will allow players to trade in games through retailers, sell them directly to friends, or loan discs out without charging consumers an additional fee to play them on another device.

Missed the Sony press conference? Watch the full replay here.

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