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Pikmin 3 unlocking early at UK retailer Game

UK retailer selling digital codes for Pikmin 3 ahead of the game's official European release tomorrow.


Download codes for digital copies of Wii U title Pikmin 3 are being dispatched early by UK retailer Game, with users reporting being able to activate and play the game a day before it is officially released in Europe.

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The codes work on all European Wii U consoles, reports Nintendo Life, with Game selling Pikmin 3 for £34.99. Nintendo's own price for the eShop version of the game is £39.99.

Nintendo has also said that digital owners of Pikmin 3 will receive a 30 per cent discount on the upcoming Wii U exclusive The Wonderful 101, which is released next month.

Pikmin 3 will be released in North America on August 4. US retailer GameStop will be running a similar offer, allowing digital customers to play the game on August 3.

The game topped the Japanese sales charts earlier this month.

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