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Mad Max 4 game in the works at Avalanche?

Just Cause developer confirms it is collaborating with Cory Barlog--the former God of War producer adapting the next Road Warrior sequel.

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Source: See below.

What we heard: After years of languishing in development limbo, Mad Max 4: Fury Road began preproduction in late 2009. In a video segment from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (via, producer-director George Miller talked about how it would take a year just to build the cars used in the sequel.

Mad Max fans are growing impatient over the fourth film's delays.
Mad Max fans are growing impatient over the fourth film's delays.

Since 2008, God of War II producer Cory Barlog has been linked to the game adaptation of Fury Road, a fact he reconfirmed yesterday with two tweets. "I need a rockstar lead level girl or guy who is up for the challenge of making an amazing AAA Mad Max game," read the first, followed by, "A heads up to all level designers, more specifically lead level designers. Want make a Mad Max game with me?"

The two aforementioned posts were wedged between tweets about Barlog's visit to Stockholm, Sweden, site of Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios. The fact that Avalanche founder Christofer Sundberg retwittered several of Barlog's posts about Mad Max 4 was not lost on Giant Bomb. The gaming blog then connected the dots between the Barlog-Avalanche link and a May report saying that the studio is working on "a major Hollywood license" to be developed "alongside an upcoming 2012 movie." The often-delayed Mad Max 4 had a 2012 release, but--as Barlog twittered and Sundberg retwittered--it has since been delayed.

</img>   The official story: Inquiries sent to Barlog and Avalanche had not been returned as of press time. However, Sundberg did tell   Eurogamer the following: " src="" sizes="(max-width: 188px) 100vw, 188px" data-width="188" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 188w">
The official story: Inquiries sent to Barlog and Avalanche had not been returned as of press time. However, Sundberg did tell Eurogamer the following: "I can't comment on the projects we are working on, but Cory is working here with us in Stockholm as you have probably read on his Twitter recently." Bogus or not bogus?: Looking not bogus.

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