C.R.E.A.M Cash rules everything around Mario

User Rating: 6.5 | New Super Mario Bros. 2 3DS
Get the money, Dollar Dollar Bill Y'all... Yeah Mario brothers has turned into a quest for gold coins instead, of a challenge of side scrolling platform prowess. On the back of the box you are challenged to try and get 1,000,000 gold coins... So, yeah. it is ALL about the deadly sin of greed in this game. I'm surprised you don't battle the demon Mammon in this game. I guess that will be in the next Castlevania title! Now what I don't get is WHY would they break the game like this? Remember back in the day, if you had more than 8 lives in ANY Mario game, you were considered an Mario BOSS in your neighborhood. If you got up to the double digits, You were a Mario GOD! So, considering that it still takes only 100 coins to gain a 1up and, the game just challenged you to get 1,000,000... You were basically challenged to get 100,000 lives. If ANY one can't finish this game with that many lives, you must be the WORST player in the universe! Even the hardest level in ANY Mario game, in ANY Mario World can be finished with that amount of lives eventually. Everything is eventual if you keep trying! And this game makes it mind numbing EASY for you to keep trying! You can shoot fireballs that turns everything into gold, You can hit bricks that spit out gold, Kicking a turtle shell into enemies will spit out gold, pipes spit out gold, Breathing into the mike will spit out gold. GOLD IS EVERYWHERE IN THIS GAME! (I made that last part up but, you get my point, right?) So with that, you can reach the triple digits in lives like nothing! You won't be considered a Mario god but, you will beat the game! I haven't seen the game over screen ONCE since I've played! I personally don't think it exist! If it does, then it shouldn't because it is POINTLESS! Even it you die 4 times in a row, the game will give you a feather that will make you invincible so, the game itself will dumb down the difficulty even more! It is a good game but, the over abundance of gold makes the game too easy. Thanks, Nintendo! for feeding into my Greed and O.C.D to collect gold coins! I can scratch that off my bucket list now...