Been there, done that

User Rating: 6 | Neverwinter PC
Neverwinter fails to bring anything new in this oversaturated genre. Combat system is decent but nothing exceptional, enemies AI is dumb , Bosses are easy as well, skirmishes are boring , dungeons are boring.

Oh yes end level content is non existant

I hardly doubt there will be any MMO any time soon that will manage to have the same success as WoW did at it's time. And surely Neverwinter will not be that one.

And for those saying that it's free that's not true, if you wanna have access to the good stuff you gotta pay real money. And one thing i really disliked about the game is that there are 3 currencies making everything confusing.

Should you try this? Well if you still have fun in farming things and do this or do that quests and crafting things etc etc then yes.

If this is your first approach to the genre then yes

But if you are an MMO veteran then pass up , it's a waste of time.