best basketball series

User Rating: 8.7 | NBA Street PS2
I once read that a girl wanted a PS2 real bad and her father wouldn't let her get it. Then, her friend came over with NBA Street. The father saw them playing it and asked for a try. After 3 hours, he still wouldn't let go of the controller. They ended up buying a PS2 with this game. This is my favorite basketball series. As a gamer, I have played many basketball games, this series is my favorite. I love the gameplay, it's fun and was original for the time. When the game first came out, the graphics were great. This is the game that you want to play with your friends, it's very fun. However, the game lost some points for the awful announcer and the gameplay getting boring after a while. All in all, if you have $7.99 and care for basketball, you should check out this game.