the street basketball came to the PSP and it rocks!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 8.3 | NBA Street Showdown PSP
This street basketball title is like "NBA street vol. 2" but only much better.

Gameplay: In this game you have the "king of the court" mode and it rocks and you can also build your self a player or a team with your favorite players in it. there is also a lot of moves that you can put to your players to learn.

Graphics: The graphics overall are great. the players look great, you have 15 different great looking courts and the areas in this game are great.

Sound: The sound in this game are great. you have a lot of soundtracks, clips and the announcer in the games is great and sometimes funny.

Value: you can play for like 100 hours straight especially in the "king of the court" mode and in the online mode. you can even challenge your friends with mini games like "shot blocker" and "Arcade".