If your looking for a basketball sim, then this is the way to go..NBA Live doesnt have much to offer...so its the choice

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA 2K8 X360
If your looking to have some fun with a basketball game, then this is your game..
If your looking for a good basketball sim, then this is your game..

The graphics are alright..on a scale of 1-10..graphics would get about a 7. NBA Live has the better graphics, but the graphics of the animations on NBA Live aren't as smooth as the ones in NBA 2k8; so that kind of makes up for it..

The gameplay is great on the exception of a few glitches here and there.. but what sports game doesnt have glitches?? I think that this game's gameplay is so much better than lives, that it helps you forget about the graphics difference between the two. For the gameplay, on a scale of 1-10, i would say it gets an 8.

In the difficulty section of this game, you will find yourself being decent at this game in no time..So, i'd give the learing curve about 30-60 minutes to get used to this game...

And the one thing this game isnt so great at, well not just this game, but all 2k games...is that the servers are really bad, you will find yourself wanting to play online really bad, then all of a sudden the 2k servers are down..they are down alot...

So, overall this game for me gets an 8.5 out of 10