A real review...

User Rating: 8.5 | Natural Selection 2 PC
Natural Selection 2 is a hybrid RTS / FPS , going more to the FPS part of the Hybrid.

Natural Selection 2 uses a in house engine built with modding as a core concept, the whole engine is designed to allow the community to explode with ideas and concepts and the tools are available out the box.

The game features 2 teams which play in different styles and require different skillsets to learn each team, the Marine team being relatively familiar ranged side and the Alien team featuring a roster of various forms that each come with a set of unique abilities but generally the team favours heavy melee action.
On top of the two teams battling each other in the FPS mode , often 1 player on each team will be contributing in a RTS style game, where each player will be assisting and commanding their teams on a strategic level.

The game does have a fairly high learning curve but it is by no means unreasonably steep, and new players can take thier time to learn the FPS aspects and then move onto the commanding side.
The RTS side should also be relatively familiar to RTS fans having many of the same components of that genre in the game.

Graphically the game is functional with some aspects being really good, notably shadows and lighting effects and the audio in the game deserves praise as it drags you into a scary world of claws and teeth, explosions and bullets.

It is my opinion that while the title is flawed in some ways it is a great game that is fun to play, it is fun to learn and additionally has the potential to 'spark' great ideas and concepts from the community.
Value for money ? I would say definetly... this is one title that will grow and add more to the core game.