Disappointing. Decent graphics. Interesting options in gameplay. Just poorly executed racing!

User Rating: 4.6 | NASCAR SimRacing PC
While I am admittedly biased toward NASCAR Racing Season 2003, I made an effort to like this game. The option to manage your R&D and build cars is neat. The merchandising concept was new, but seemed totally useless. The graphics were pretty good. Where this game fell short was in the gameplay. Plain and simple. When the caution can fly while you are in the lead on the back stretch and you still end up ahead of the pace car when you come around, there is a problem. Then on top of that you get black flagged?! Gimme a break! I have even gotten black flagged and disqualified for who knows what in a half a lap! How am I suppose to enjoy racing when a black flag is thrown out for no apparent reason. I really did try to like this game, but I am going to stick to NASCAR Racing Season 2003 until EA manages to get their act together and catch up to a four year old game.