Even as a collector of Nascar games, I could not possibly recommend buying this for more than $2.

User Rating: 5.4 | NASCAR 2001 PS2
The Good:
-Gamers can relive the 2000 Nascar Season...sort of.
-Sound is ok...I guess.

The Bad:
-Absolutely eye-piercing graphics. The game looks like it came from the first Playstation. When I turn the mirror on, and framerate drops into the low teens, maybe lower, which means...
-Controls are lousy, especially when the mirror is on and the framerate drops.
-Misses a ton of driver and tracks. Plus, I can't get over 20 drivers in one race.
-Tracks are horribly unrealistic. Since when is there room for 5 wide at Daytona???

Oh gosh, this game was awful. Definitely one of the worst NASCAR games I've ever played. Even as a collector of Nascar games, I could not possibly recommend buying this for more than $2. This truly puts the racing genre to shame.