Not as good as you'd think, but not as bad as you'd think.

User Rating: 6 | NARC XBOX
Yes, NARC is short, rife with bugs, and basically not alot of fun to play. But all that isn't technically true. NARC is short, but when the game is done you can roam around the (small) area and sell drugs and kill lots of people. What's bad about that is that when you beat the game, if you saved on the last level, you'll have to restart the whole game.
Bugs? Heck, this is the most glichiest game I know! There are too much glitches for me to name here. But, too show you how many bugs there are, not only are there bugs during gameplay but there are also bugs during the credits AND pause menu. THAT'S how glitchy this game is.
Buying and selling drugs is a nice touch (buying isn't neccecary as you can bust them and take the drugs, even when you're off the force), but it doesn't save this game much.

Buy it if you wish to play the classic NARC (which you can unlock) or sell drugs, but if you're looking for a GOOD shooting game, your far from what you're looking for.