What can 20$ get you these days ? Apparently, not much...

User Rating: 5 | NARC XBOX
When I first saw that they were re-issuing NARC, I thought to myself "Hmmm, this game is probably gonna suck bad". Then, I saw that it was priced at 20$, I then thought to myself "Ok, I'll give this game a shot"... bad, bad idea. if this game would've been 50$, I would've returned it 2 hours of play. This game did nothing to catch my interest. The story line is boring, ridiculous and unintelligent. The concept... well, it takes from Grand Theft Auto and all it's wanna-be's. This game also glorifies the use of drugs and the punishment that you get for abusive use of them is very minimal. The graphics are very sub-standard. The sound is horrible, aside from a good soundtrack (but very repetitive). On a final note, my game crashed once while playing, and my sound crashed twice... all this in 2 hours ! I wouldn't wanna be the debug team on this game... yikes ! So, NARC is not worth your time... even for 20$.