Good fun for a while, but it's cheap budgetised feel and lousy ending will leave you thinking.

User Rating: 6 | NARC XBOX
Addictive (no pun intended)
Gritty street soundtrack

Plagued with bugs and graphical problem
Graphics are none too ripe either
Short campaign (ironic considering the original was one of the longest at the time)
The game obviously stuck to a very low budget

Bad Glitch Areas:
Quirky aiming, stiff player movements, the list is plentiful but none of the glitches are THAT serious.

NARC on the XBOX and PS2 is a remake of the 1988 classic of the same name. Although the update was slated to be a straight remake of the story from the arcade game, the version that was eventually released featured a totally new story. This made the game so different from the arcade version of NARC that it could be considered a completely different game with no relation to the original. The update casts the player as narcotics officer Jack Forzenski & DEA agent Marcus Hill, former partners reunited who are instructed to investigate a new drug on the streets called liquid soul. Using different drugs will cause different effects, which can be quite amusing.
And for the record, the ending sucks big time! Also, many star voices appear in NARC, from Michael Madsen from the 1983 film "Kill Me Again" and Bill Bellamy.
So, overall, this game is a huge step down fomr the original NARC, but still a playable experience for the PS2 and XBOX. The fun will last for many hours for avid fans of this style of game, for others, who only bought the game because it's cheap, it may last anywhere between 10 minutes to 7 hours.