Simple and Challenging.

User Rating: 8.5 | N+ PSP
I have played this game from its humble beginnings back in 2004, where it was based on a flash game.
Now its a full game for the psp system!

- You are an overpowered ninja whos purpose is to find a key within the labyrinth levels to open the door that will lead you to the next level.
-you will encounter many obstacles and many enemies, like laser bots, homing rocket robots and many more, and also you will encounter alot of ground mines that will block your path and preventing you from an easy getaway, jumping precision here is required.(ninja can only jump and dodge walls, no fighting)
-Level are really varied and very challenging, some levels are really hard but you can always get past a level if you put your head into it.
-Awesome Level Editor to make your own levels!! (best feat)
-also there is a muliplayer mode where you can play coop with other players and you can download more maps and test usermade maps.

in the end id like to say that this is an awesome challenging platformer that will get you hooked up to your psp for hours, and sometimes youll feel like slamming your psp on the ground just because of an annoying level you cant get through :P