The Frogster rendition of the game dissapoints old expectations.

User Rating: 5 | Mythos PC
The original incarnation of this game was much more fluid in combat. The combat system now is reminiscent of MMOs rather than of Diablo. They MMO-fied it, and stripped some of the cool skills that were in the original Mythos incarnation. The art style is different as well, more subdued and less stylized. I would not play this if you remember the good old days on the original mythos. If you are looking for the same mechanics as Mythos look towards Torchlight and Torchlight 2 as they are some of the creators of Diablo 1 and 2 as well as FATE and the alpha of Mythos. Runic games is actually slated to work on an MMO version of the Torchlight world so expect that in 2012.

The interface is prettier, but the dialogue got rid of much of the humor that was instilled in Mythos beforehand. The game is a shadow of its former self, which saddens me as I was hoping that the game would stay more true to its roots.

I didn't check out crafting, but the system seems pretty similar to the older one, maybe less customizable.