Today,we bust My Sims wide open!

User Rating: 5.5 | MySims DS
Ok,so I just finished playing this game.As it turns out,it really sucks.Sure,you can design your house,but that's not really very fun.The blocky character design is kinda funny,and everybody looks almost like a Mii.Damn!Well,this game isn't really very hard at all.It's also really short,but the minigames are pretty cool.This game does have a lot of areas to unlock in the town,but when you meet people,your conversations always seem to happen over and over and over and over as if they're brainwashed or something.I mean,when you talk to like I dunno 5 people,3 out of 5 conversations are repeated which is annoying because you'd expect more from a game like this.Now,something that is cool is,if you find any house with a bed in it,you can sleep in it,and nobody will care at all.Like,near the fisherman,Joseph's house,you'll see two huts on a dock.The one on the right has a hammock,and you can sleep in it and live there.You just can't decorate it or have any of your things in the place.Well,this game is short,ok,not hard,and boring.Peace.
