MySims Kingdom is a great game for all ages.

User Rating: 9 | MySims Kingdom DS
MySims Kingdom is a great game for all ages. I am attached to this game and have been playing it frequently. It's very interactive and lets you pick how things turn out. I would recommend this game to gamers who like to choose what to do and how to do it. It's a game such as Fable--you choose the way or plot of the game--on Xbox and Xbox 360º. Very good game and doesn't go along by the storyline. Half of the game is customizing your houses, naming the island, furniture, clothes, and just about anything else. After the game ends, you can keep on playing mini-games, fulfilling characters, collecting plans, clothes, and furniture, and objects around the island. This is a game worth getting. I recommend this game to gamers everywhere from United States Of America to Japan from ages 1-100.