The Wii's first descend into the MX vs. ATV series is a decent try; but much more could be done.

User Rating: 6 | MX vs. ATV Untamed WII
I bought this game, took it home, played it, hated it at first, demanded my money back, and ended up keeping it (due to the fact that I had already played it). Since SSMB, NFS, & GH3 were the only real games I played on the Wii, I decided I needed a change. I then buried through my game "stash" and rediscovered this game, so I decided I'd give it a try.
After playing it for awhile this is what I realized...

The Good-
1- The motion controls are great and give the game a more realistic feel.
2- The carrer mode takes you through all the courses and all the vehicles.
3- The racing in the stadium races are great and exciting no matter what difficulty.
4- Customazation of the rider and vehicles are almost unlimitled (in appearence that is)
5- The extra vehicles are a nice add on.

The Bad-
1- Some of the music really doesn't seem to fit.
2- The graphics are extremely last-gen; meaning that there are "blocky".
3- The Opencross races tend to get boring really quick with long laps and boring racing.
4- The extra vehicles tend to become undrivable on most of the courses, even Opencross races.
5- The 360/PS3 versions of this game allow for more vehicles to compete in one race.
6- Online play really doesn't work that well... no matter what.
7- The game tends to show you what it has to offer in about a few hours.