This is more of the same, new, and higher quality than previous installments.

User Rating: 9 | MX vs. ATV Untamed X360
I've raced motocross now for 7 years, worked and built motocross tracks at an indoor motocross facility, and have put way too many hours into motocross games so I know what Rainbow had to build from and what a lot of the content in this game was going to be. So I had expectations.
This is a good game, it has most of the good stuff from previous MX games and some new as well. I play this strictly for the Motocross/Supercross racing, and whatever else is in the game I'm not that interested in, not that it isn't fun or high quality, its just not what I'm playing this for. I don't even like FMX, just racing. So this review is based solely on the MX/SX portions of the game.
I like the options for difficulty in this game, it gives a really good challenge to me atleast, and it may take some time before I can do any good at the highest difficulty, whereas in the the last MX vs ATV games, I could get first place fairly consistently on the hardest setting.
The Bike models are a about as good as can be, and the player models are good too, although I would have liked to see a little more player movement on the bike (more realistic). The tracks are great, especially the nationals, and in the previous MX vs. ATV games I wasn't that impressed, but in Untamed, the National tracks rock, they are fun, beautiful, fast, and large. A+ for nationals.
Supercross tracks are great too, the arenas are a huge improvement from previous versions. I felt like the the tracks weren't as technical in this game, but I think that mainly has to do with the new physics. Not a negative, but different feel than previous MX games.
I do enjoy Endurocross, I think Rainbow nailed it pretty well, I was expecting it to be too easy but they managed to make it hard so props to them. And I haven't played much on the minis, but they have been tuned down since the last MX vs ATV game which is a plus, besides that I can't say much about minis because the lack of time spent on them.
Oh, and the new scrub feature is a big improvement, now I want to see a real brake tap feature that kicks the front end down faster, that would improve on the realism aspect.
The sound, its not bad, but not great either. The actual sounds are great, but don't go well in all game situations, and just feel "off" at times.
I give gameplay a 9/10, with my biggest gripe(a small one) is please let whips extend upside down without crashing, look at Laninovich.
I would also like to see more tracks, hard tracks. I hope that we will be able to get some new DLC for this game.
There is a lot of variety here, but I still wish that there would be an MX only game, so the developers can really focus on perfecting motocross racing.
Overall I think this game is great, still not perfect, but a step forward nonetheless.
I didn't go over everything in the review, so if there are any Questions feel free to PM me.