User Rating: 9.6 | MVP Baseball 2004 PS2
Wow. That's all I can say about this game. To be honest, I was a World Series Baseball 2K3 fanboy after playing both last year. MVP was good, but wasn't as good as WSB. Well, this year, I awaited, with anticipation, the ESPN Majpr League Baseball (WSB 2K4) installment. I passed on MVP and waited....and waited....and waited. 2K4's release date was pushed back time and time again. I was upset then, but boy, what a great thing to happen! I ended up getting fed up waiting, and went out and bought MVP 2004. I can honestly say that this is THE best baseball game ever put out on any platform, by far. WSB 2K3 was great, but this one takes the cake. MVP was so good this year, I completely ignored the ESPN game, and still do. The option to use retro jerseys in MVP '04 was a HUGE step up from MVP '03, in my opinion. One of the only complaints I have about playing MVP '04 is that fielding is sometimes quirky. Also, The in-game broadcasting is somewhat repetitive, but amazingly specific to each player. All in all, these are the only reasons I didn't give the game a 10, but boy, is it close. If you love baseball, you should definitely check this game out if you haven't already.