User Rating: 9.2 | MVP Baseball 2004 PS2
The most realistic, dramatic, complete, and just downright satisfying baseball game to ever be created, and there is nobody better fit to do it than EA. I am not going to write a long review about this game because there is no need, just go out and buy this game or rent if you are not sure, but i guarantee you this is the best baseball game out there, as a matter of fact the best one created so far! The first thing i want to comment on is the crowd. Even though this still is not even close to as good as it should be at least there is some progress being made. The cardboard crowds in all of the sports games are finally starting to get a little work done to them, why did it take so long i have no clue. The first two rows of the crowd have finally been improved on and are not just cardboard looking people. Next year i expect the whole crowd to be fixed, i hope so anyways. Ok now to the rest of the game i am going to keep it short and sweet. The graphics are fantastic, the players look very similar to there real life counterparts especially the bigger name athletes like randy johnson and albert pujols. The stadiums are all almost identical to what they are in real life and really look very good, and as i mentioned before there is finally a little improvement on the crowd. The gameplay is near perfect, now it might seem difficult at first and as a matter of fact after i played my first two games i regretted buying the game, but i stuck with it and realised this game is absolutely amazing so if you dont like it at first stick with it and you will not regret it. The batting and pitiching are very well done and it is now all complete control hitting, you use the analog stick to aim where you want to place your hit, whether its a grounder or a pop up and what direction of the field you want to place it in, it is really amazing once you get it down. The pitiching is just as great as you use the analog stick to place the pitch then a cursor appears and you stop the cursor once for how effective the movement on the pitch will be and then again for the accuracy of the pitch it is really a fun experince. The fielding is very good this year as well, although the computer does have a little advantage, whats new, you can still change this in the options menu to even it out a little if you are having problems. The franchise mode is very in depth and there is alot to do, including signing players from your AA and AAA minor league teams, yeah the minor league teams for all the franchises are on this game!!!! There is just so much to do in franchise mode it is just awesome, you have to just experience it for yourself. The sound is very good as well, although eventually you will hear alot of the same things over and over again, just like all the other sports games, there is still alot of variety in what they have to say and they will relay hits, situations and even past games and history into there speeches, it is very well done overall. To wrap this game up in a nut shell it simply must be experienced by any baseball fan, especially the ones like me who have wasted there money on all the other games in the past. I think it is safe to say that nobody does a sports game better than EA sports does, you guys really know what you are doing! I can not wait for Madden 2005! Well do yourself a favor and go out and atleast rent this game and you will agree it is the most in depth and realistic baseball experience to ever hit the gaming world, cant wait for next years!