MVP Baseball is quite possibly the best baseball franchise in video games history.

User Rating: 8.8 | MVP Baseball 2004 GC
MVP Baseball is quite possibly the best baseball franchise in video games history. The Gameplay is great, and there are options for everything you can do, such as how hard you throw to a base or to another player. The graphics are great, except for one note; I own the GameCube version of this one and the problem is on two of the parks in the game the Angels and the Rockies parks. Now these two have water falls in the stadium and when they put them into the game and you play in those two parks the frame rate gets a little slow and choppy and makes it difficult to play in those parks and I usually don’t and opt to sim those games. I asked a friend who has MVP 2004 for Xbox and he said he didn’t get those slow downs, so it is most likely a GameCube problem. So unfortunately I’m going to have to dock it a little extra on the graphics because you should be able to play in every park. The sounds of the parks and games sound realistic and great. The announcing is good but nothing special, but it does beat MVP 2005, which every time Bill Mueller is at the plate say he not much of a hitter when he won the batting title 2 years before. MVP 2004 doesn’t have any blatantly outrageous comments that are offensive to hear if you know anything about baseball. The games soundtrack is short and poorly selected. The music is terrible and doesn’t fit the game at all. MVP also has hours and hours of gameplay, including a 120-year dynasty mode to keep you busy. Theoretically you could play MVP 2004 for a very long time and just play baseball games forever. Personally I love this game and consider it the best baseball game ever. I love bringing up talent in the AA and AAA teams all the way to the majors. The create-a-player mode works very well. Some of the character models could use a little more detail but in game you don’t really see them up close to often outside of the introductions of players and replays. Plus there are a lot of features to tune your game when you play multiplayer, like removing the pitch curser, where as games like Sega’s Baseball 2K2, that wasn’t an option and made multiplayer impossible. It short this is an awesome game and if you like baseball you’ll love this game.