Greatest Sports Game ever, that is untill MVP 2005.EA has realy done everything right with MVP Baseball 2004.

User Rating: 9.5 | MVP Baseball 2004 PS2
Where can i start. There, in my opinion is nothing wrong with this game, perhaps the lack of online capability for the Xbox, but they did give that to PS2 owners, plus MVP 05 will have Xbox Live. The new pitching system, the refinement of the no-cursor hitting, the big play fielding mechanism, really the only thing keeping me from calling this game "perfect" is the 'not so hot' looking graphics, yes it is obvious that the ESPN games have better graphics, but I wouold rather play a great game of baseball, thats why MVP is my game. The gameplay is flawless, player controll is great and its awesome to pull of a big play with the big play controlls. an annoying part of the game is when the CPU always pulls off the big plays, you will rarely see them miss a 'webgem' caliber play. The graphics definatly can be improved and I think that EA is doing that in MVP 05. I mean when the players models are still more than 50% of the time you would expect flawless graphics, we'll see what they do in the next MVP. The sound is great, the crack of the bat, the announcers, the crowed, the atmosphere, it just gives you an overall good experience of being at the game, I only wish that the crowds changed from stadium to stadium, because some crowds are lowder and are bigger than others, also it woulod be cool to see them make the crowds in playoff game absolutely earpounding for a realistic feal, Wrigley Field going insane when the Cubs win the 2005 World Series, Yankee Stadium dead quite after Curt Schilling shuts them down, Busch Stadium in awe at Mark Priors perfect game VS. the Cardinals. This game has flawless value, i got it 2 days after it came out and im still playing it, the replay value is great, this game never gets boring. Dynasty mode will keep you comeing back, and then you can go play online to test how good you really are, GREAT VALUE. Finnaly my tilt, I absolutely loved this game so really i cant say anything other than "I have to give this game a 10 out of 10 tilt," the truth is if 11 out of 10 was possible thats what it would get. Final thoughts, whether or not MVP Baseball 2005 is already out or not go out and buy this game for $15 bucks, I already have it and if your like me you have already preordered MVP 2005, I did at the beggining of December. LAST WORDS: AWESOME GAME, IF YOU HAVE IT PLAY IT, IF YOU DONT, GO BUY IT!!!