If only this game were more fun...

User Rating: 5 | Musashi: Samurai Legend PS2
I played this game last weekend...I was bored the entire time. I suppose the actual slicing of enemies is rather amusing...but it gets old, and I mean quick. I played the game for at most an hour, and I found myself thinking, "It has to get better...right?". Well it didn't I eventually handed the controller to my cousin and said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you paid $40 or your hard earned money on this sorry excuse for an action game". He however can't get enough of this game. He claims it to be like Zelda, but I've played Zelda. And this my friends is no Zelda, their names shouldn't even be in the same paragraph yet he compares the two. The saying goes, Something is better than nothing. I'd rather do absolutely nothing, than ever have another sitting of this game...ugh.