If you give this game a chance, it will prove to be one of the best 2D games in your collection!

User Rating: 9 | Oboro Muramasa WII

Gameplay – A very simple 2D game that plays like your average fighter. Although there aren't many combos or skills, this game does not get boring quickly. There are lots of enemies to fight, and the boss battles are amazing. This game really does a lot considering it's, you know, non-3D limits. You're mainly going to be using two buttons to fight, but it does a lot with it's limits.



Graphics – They did an amazing job, with something like over 1,000,000 hand-drawn pictures to make this game. This really does justice to 2D games. They took famous pieces of Japanese artwork and remodelled them to fit into the game's mood.



Length – A very lengthy game, with a lot of replay value. Let's face it, if you can finish the game once and not get bored, you can do it twice. Some players just quit early on because of how simple it feels at the beginning. If it had multi-player features, that would make the game a lot lengthier.



Storyline – The story is pretty good for the most part, even though it isn't the game's strong-point (combat). They kept the storyline nice and simplistic.



Sound – Great sound-track with some excellent sound-effects! The sounds make it feel like you're really in a 2D version of Japan.



Controls - Muramasa: The Demon Blade is very easy to control, and it's also a bit simple. There are tons of swords, but not enough techniques to learn - it feels like you're button-mashing sometimes.



Multi-player - There is no multi-player, but if there were multi-player modes, I would like a 1 vs. 1 battle or 2P co-op mode.




Muramasa is a great game, and it surpassed my expectations. They did so much with this 2D game, that even at its high price tag, it's still worth a buy!
