Mortyr, RIP.

User Rating: 3.3 | Mortyr 2093 - 1944 PC
Not so bad, or.....

The first ime I played Mortyr, I found it different than many other FPS out there. Even to the extent that I can say that I kind of liked it.

Looking back now, I think part of the reason was the difficulty, or to be frank, the lack of it. Not being the best FPS player in the world, having almost no experience with the genre, it was a dream to play through. No challenge what so ever. The A.I. in this game is so laughably bad, conveying it properly, proves difficult.
I will give it a shot , though. Mortyr is to intelligence as water to electricity. Not a good combination.

The graphics has always played a secondary role for me, gameplay is more important..Yet, every once in a while, even I can say stuff like: "Damn, this is one ugly game." I have to admit, when I played through it, I didn't care much about the visuals, but when I decided to return, it was quite clear that the graphics were dated. Some games age well, Mortyr didn't. And don't get me started on all the glitches and bugs.

The sound was also below par, standard sounds and effects. Forgettable music. Enough.

The sad thing is that this game at first appears to be better than its individual parts, but in the end, that was only an illusion.

Now I am just angry that it stole some hours from my life. Unforgivable!

Yes, Mortyr, RIP. Rot In Purgatory!