DC's universe crosses into the realm of Mortal Kombat... and obliterates the franchise.

User Rating: 6 | Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe PS3
Well nobody saw this coming now did they? I sure didn't. This was to be "Mortal Kombat 8" and what Ed Boon promised to be a dark and gritty game. But when Midway continued to sink down the slippery slope of financial trouble, the MK Team called out to Warner Brothers... not just to make a game, but to secure MK's future when Midway's so called empire topples down into steaming pile of dog manure.

I suppose I should thank this crossover with WB's DC Comics for saving Mortal Kombat after Midway went bankrupt... but it sure didn't bring the fans what they wanted when they wanted it. We have to wait for Mortal Kombat 9 to get the game we were promised...

Because of DC's presence in the game, brutality was expelled. In MKvsDC, we have the sorriest collection of "fatalities" any MK fan has ever had to put up with. It might not be as bad as Quan Chi's neck stretch fatality from Deadly Alliance, but it sure comes pretty darn close.

The game play itself is fun and easy to learn. Thank god I don't have to dedicate 50 hours a week to master characters like I would in overly technical fighting games that the Japanese spawn off. HOWEVER, the worst part of this game is that it lags... and I'm not talking about online lag (even though online lag is exists in full form and makes the fight completely screwed up). When I press buttons during a fight, they're not registered fast enough. That makes it even worse for the stupid combo system they've now introduced in the MK series.

Unless you're some gamer geek who loves to play for hours and hours, don't even try to attempt Kombo Challenge. You'll get blisters on your fingers from trying to force the game to recognize your button inputs. Then when you get those down, you have to deal with the timing issues. Even though your timing is off by 0.00001 seconds, guess what? You missed your opportunity. You're only aloud to be off by 0.00000000000000000001 seconds. Good effort, but try again.

The lack of content in this game also makes it a pathetic MK title. No alternate costumes, no secret characters aside from the two lame "sub bosses" Shao Kahn and Dark Side (or however you spell that stupid and unoriginal comic book name). No extra arenas, no character customization. NOTHING.

The AI is the same usual trash that we can expect from MK. These all-knowing NPCs predict every move you do before you do it. Especially when you engage in these two ridiculous features: Klose Kombat and Free Fall Kombat. The new version of test your might is a joke - a joke brought on due to the fact we have moronic comic book characters ruining MK.

For those of you who have played the game, please tell me if this makes sense about Free Fall Kombat: You knock your opponent out of the arena and you constantly hit your opponent dealing out quite a bit of damage. Then, right before you get your super meter charged the stupid opponent just happens to guess your very last button input and you get switched around. When the free fall fight is over YOU get all the damage taken away from your health despite the fact that YOU were the one smashing his face in 90% of the fall down. How the HELL is that fair? IT'S NOT.

MK "8" was incredibly disappointing. MK9 (2011) better be everything fans have dreamed of, AND THEN SOME.