an okay fighting game with kool kharacters and mini games. its worth every koin.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mortal Kombat: Deception XBOX
Mortal kombat deception is actually my second mortal kombat game i played. it starts off with raiden getting his ass kicked by shang tsung that other guy (forgot his name) in a kool kutscene.

the game itself is awesome, the moves may seem tricky at first but you'll get the hand of it, its the fatality's that's the real trouble.
trying to execute a fatality in this game is damn near impossible for me, you always have to be at the right spot at the right time for the button combo to work. for me, i can't do it.
i tried and tried but i always seem to either miss one button, or accidentally hit him during the fatality or don't have the fatality thing on. but at least i can kick them off ledges.

Konquest mode sucks. 80% of the time you're either training or learning new moves from characters you don't have yet or don't want to play as. the only real purpose in konquest is to walk around and find chests that will either unlock characters or movies. also during konquest you may find keys that will unlock a koffin in the krypt for some mortal kombat goodies.

the crypt is also a let down because you don't know what your buying and it can be a little frustrating when your wasting all your precious gold koins on photos instead of characters. also you accidentally buy the same koffin again, it does nothing other then to take your well earned koins.

in Puzzle kombat its a simply puzzle game were you are supposed to get your opposition the most colour squares till the top to beat them. if you do that they perform a fatality.

all and all, its a good fighting game.