Feels very Broken

User Rating: 3.6 | Mortal Kombat: Armageddon XBOX
I don't know what Ed Boon was think this time around but it feels like he almost killed the Mortal Kombat series this time. I don't think he did anything right on this game, well maybe putting all the characters from all the game into one game was a good idea, but its like they all fight the same, and all the classic feel of the Mortal Kombat games are gone here. I mean why do you want to make your own fatalities (which for every fighter it can be the same). Fatalities is what made MK games what they are, like a trademark or something. You don't just go change the best part of a good series, to some crap. The story is alright but its like I've already been the with previous mortal kombat games before. The Graphics are alright as well, but could be better. What away to go out for last gen of Mortal Kombat gaming. The Next Mortal Kombat game can only be better.