Morning's Wrath Review

User Rating: 5.2 | Morning's Wrath PC
Usually i don't write too many reviews, mostly i tend to write for older games that didn't recieve a player review, that i think people can enjoy even now, or games that i think people should just steer clear from.

Morning's Wrath falls somewhere in-between, i have only played the demo version of this game, but a demo can speak a thousand words at times.

Story: It seems to be well thought out, and a heroine is a nice switch from the typical male characters we see so much of in RPG's such as this, but on the same token the story is a bit plain and dark, even a bit drawn out, it shows that they were trying to set a mood and theme, but to me falls a bit short. 5/10

Music and sound effects: Frankly for an indenpedent it's some of the best music i've heard in a long time, a bit overpowering in some points, but all in all, very good....the sound effects on the other hand are lacking, very old-school door sounds, item pick-up's, fighting ect. now usually this wouldn't be a problem and easily overlooked, however with such astounding music, i find it hard to believe that they couldn't get more "Realistic" sound effects. 7/10

Graphics: Graphics, to me, never really make the game..i'm from the days of Text-Based role-playing on the good ol C64 and hence i know that a game dosen't have to be flashy to still be a fun ride.

However, even going back about 5 to 8 years ago, the graphics in Morning's Wrath are dated

Now i fully understand that, as an indenpedant company, EDI most likely didn't have much funding to begin with, but it appears that they tried to give Morning's Wrath the best graphics they could afford, and i think this was a mistake, personally i think they should have made it even simpler, with more features and interactions with the enviorment, a RPG more remincent of Divine Divinty would, in my opinion been a much better route to take. 5/10

Gameplay: Very basic and dated, moving Morning around is a slow process, character dialouge is reminicent of some of the older RPG's basic, lacking any real feeling, and at some points expected and boring.

The combat falls pretty much in the same catergory, nothing really new or inventive. 5/10.

When all is said and done i give Morning's Wrath a 5/10, you can see that time and effort went into making this game, but to me it simply fails to draw me every concievable way.