Another good shooter from Renegade Kid. It's good fun, but it's not revolutionary for the DS.

User Rating: 7.5 | Moon DS
My biggest probable gripe with Moon is the variety of enemies. There aren't really that many different varieties. There's the generic floating orb. Then there's the more powerful one, then the one that fires three at once, then there's the spider thing, the little spider things, the turrets, and the aliens. When you think about it, that's only about four enemies. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if the orbs weren't 80% of the enemies.

My other problem is with the game's shotgun. By that, I mean there isn't one--not a real one at least. There's an alien-weapon equivalent, but it doesn't really give the same ooomf that a shotgun sound is supposed to give. When you fire a shotgun in Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, or Halo you KNOW it's a shotgun. There's a huge pow and recoil and guts fly everywhere like God intended. Sadly, in this, it's like a pellet gun.

Needless to say, the game itself is pretty well done. The problem of a lack of variety in enemies is beaten by the fact that Moon is actually a pretty good game. It has solid shooter elements, the driving portions don't feel too forced, and the attempt at horror is pretty well done for a DS game. Coming from Renegade kid, it's nice to see a game that doesn't need the M Rating to be creepy.

In the end, Moon is a very solid shooter. If it's on sale for less than $10, it's a steal, so I'd recommend grabbing it.