A great mixture of adventure and FPS action.

User Rating: 8.5 | Moon DS
From the guys that brought you Dementium, here comes Moon. Is it the first great game of the year? Continue reading to find out.

Gameplay 8.5
Everything starts when your in (you guess it) the Moon in a mission and one minute later everything goes wrong and youre left almost alone with only a few crew members talking to you via a cummunicator. If you're looking for a Halo like game then look for something else cuz this one has a lot of adventure in it, but of course theres some great action here and there, killing bots and other things but its not like you will have to kill a million robots at every turn, but still it is very entertaining. Controls are like most FPS on the DS. Moving with the stylus, shooting with L which all works great. Theres plenty of different types of robots and mini-bosses to kill with many weapons at your disposal. Theres also enough ammo and save points to make your day if you get your butt kicked. And if you played Dementium and you're wondering if bots re-spawn then rest assured cuz they stay dead after killing them.

Graphics 9.5
We all know the DS has its limitations but this is one of the best looking games for the platform. Everything is well detailed, this games 3D is incredible, considering that there are some big environments. And all runs at 60 frames per second. Though the only downside is that theres lots of rooms that are very similar from each other and some reuse of robots that you kill at the start and even at the end of the game, but then again you cant always ask too much for the humble DS.

Sound 8.0
Music feels like a hit or miss, cuz its some tecno like music that will work on some, and not much for others. There is some VO here and there which is good. Though sound effects are decent, they feel very compressed and not as good as they could have.

Lasting Appeal 8.0
The game is long enough to take you a good amount of time to beat it, plus different levels of difficulty and some extra stuff after you beat the game like finding 3 items in each of the levels. Its not the longest game ever but its definitively going to give you some nice amount playing time. So if you need a Halo like FPS, then you better go play call of duty (i haven't played it much but i think its more action oriented), but if you want a adventure fused with FPS action then this is definitively for you.