Awesomely addicting. Don't let the bad reviews fool you.

User Rating: 9.5 | Monster Hunter Freedom PSP
This was my first venture into the Monster Hunter series. After hearing about it from some friends, I was eager to try it. But then I read some reviews, most of which gave the game a horrible score. I decided to go ahead and try it anyway. I have to tell you that it was one of the best choices I made in life. The game is built upon the idea of doing quests all of which are separated by difficulty (1 to * stars). At first they start you off with boring start-up quests (i.e. Gather this, gather that.) Eventually you'll get your first hunting quest and the game's awesomeness "snowballs" from there. There are a multitude of items to be made, armor to be crafted, and weapons to choose from and upgrade. I must say that the weapons and armor look bad ass. It was a bit frustrating at first but once you get the hang of the game you'll love it, especially the first time you slay your first wyvern(Kut-Ku). As you progress through the game you'll fight harder monsters from the small Velocipreys(which resemble velociraptors) to the incredibly huge Lao-Shan Lung (your are about the size of his foot). All of the monsters can be carved of materials to make weapons and armor. The game stays exciting for a long time, granted you have the time to get to know the game instead of just throwing it away because you can't get through a 1-star quest, as most people tend to do. The key is to keep trying. The game's fun factor is multiplied by the fact that you and three other friends can go monster hunting together, ad-hoc only. I must say, hunting a monster with three other people is alot more fun then going it alone. I would give this a 10 but the camera has some quirks that one will get used to eventually.