This expansion pack of MHF2 is a game aimed at the elite, maybe a reason why Gamespot fail at it.

User Rating: 10 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP
Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Storyline: 8/10
Replayability: 10/10
Learning Curve: Inexperienced (probably won't keep the game but usually about 3 hours)


- Plenty of enemies that vary in size and intensity to decimate
- Many weapons to choose from and upgrade
- Well planned out maps and different environments that will physically test the mettle of your character
- Realistic aspects of life: fishing for food and cooking meat, as well as combining ingredients to discover more items that will assist throughout
- Amazingly fun multiplayer mode, great to play with others, be it two or four people

*SEQUEL EXTRAS* (Since Freedom 1)

- More weapons that are easier to craft
- Data from previous Monster Hunter can be used to help your new game
- Lots of little nags have been rectified, items can be sold at the end of a quest, some camera angle fixes, Armor can be improved and a Decoration system (to power up your equipment) are included for the first time
- More environments, species and weapon classes to enjoy
- Downloadable bonus quests, items and info.

*SEQUEL EXTRAS* (Since Freedom 2)

- Felynes become an assistant in combat for the first time, with many ways of selecting and enhancing your fighter
- Even more weapons, items and quests to do
- Literally every last detail of your Monster Hunter Freedom 2 gamesave is added to the game, right down to the completed missions, farm upgrades and items
- Previously maxed out weapons gain one or two extra upgrades
- Some Wyvern are tiny!!!
- Missions have become so difficult that if you don't have data from the previous game, you will never succeed
- Camera doesn't appear to bug anymore
- Minor graphics update


- Some may dislike how you control the camera
- Frustration is crippling when you consistently die


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is the most elite game for the console, in terms of minimum time spent completing and difficulty. This game is clearly aimed at people who like a long, rewarding challenge as you can spend upto 50 minutes just killing one monster, but when you do it's always epic. I do laugh when I see a little kid trading it in at the till, because they think it's just a bloody hack and slash; they are always disappointed lol. Gamespot seem to have a history of disliking this game, well if they go around hiring gormless little dweebs that wanna see some blood and guts every second of every day then that would explain why they lack the skill to actually complete it. You fail at life Gamespot, you fail at life haters: You are useless gamers, stick to Fifa.