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User Rating: 9 | Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP
I am a newcomer to the MH series and I must say I fell in love with MHFU. When I first started the game I was pretty impressed with the character customization options. You can customize almost every aspect of your character except their body build. You could even customize their voice. Now here is my review.

Controls 8/10: At first the control scheme can seem slightly awkward as you are trying to flawlessly move from an attack into a dodge or vice-versa, heck I still haven't been able to master it. After a while though you will adjust to the controls and your only real difficulty will be deciding when to use them.

Sound 10/10: Perfectly flawless what can I say.

Graphics 10/10: The environments are awesome, and very well detailed. The monster are impressive and most of them are 5 times your size.

Gameplay 8/10: The area in which this game truly shines and shows its' weakness as well. Although the game is called Monster Hunter you can't just grab a sword, run in there, and swing away at the monster and expect to kill it. You have to use strategy and read the movements of the monster to know when it is attacking and what type of attack it is using. I also wouldn't advise sticking with one type of weapon the entire game. Some monsters are easily damaged by a great sword, some more by the dual swords. However the game will get really difficult if you can't play online. This is the game's biggest flaw. To get online you need access to either a PS3 or X-link Kai.

Replay Value: Very High

Final Score: 9/10

Final Thoughts: Monster Hunter will have me coming back for more even if I can't get online with my friends.