The second Monkey Island is just as fun as the first.

User Rating: 9.8 | Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge AMI
In Monkey island 2: lechuck's revenge, after Guybrush Threepwood defeats lechuck in the first game, The Secret of Monkey island, Elain and guybrush are now ingaged but then lechuck comes back to take revenge on Guybrush and kiddnapp Elain who is the govener of Melee Island if you don't allready know but who dose not. Graphics: There is not much diffrence from the first monkey island game but there are a little bit of improvement in the graphical area of the game. They are still 2D but they are well animated and very color and the envoroment is very very nice, one of the best at the time and still nice to look at now in the begining of the 21st centuary.

Gameplay: Great gameplay I love it, it's the same point and click game like The Secret of Monkey island but the story is great like I described before above. The puzzles too are very good too they are challanging enough to do when you first play it though but once you know how to do them it's pretty easy to go though a second time though of course, but this game has great replay value. Anyways it has the same fighting elements like the first monkey island where you have you make funny/whitty insults and remakes to win against the sword fight against your opponent so it's good that they have not changed that and also the funny dioloage which is also very funny. I really enjoyed that.

Sound: oh how can you ever forget the soundtrack of the game, even though Monkey island has no voice acting and little background sound the soundtrack for certain scenes are so memorable it's hard not to think about them from time to time and start humming or whistling to a tune from Monkey Island which I have done. :)

Value: Like I said before this game has great replay value and you can play this game for years and years and not geat board of it. I have spent many hours playing this game on my computer and just a kick out of playing it because it's just so satisfying to play enough though this game is over five-teen year old.

All in all I give this game 10 out of 10 this game is pretty much flawless along with the restof the series. If you have not got this game yet go out there and get it and it's worth the Monkey money.