Perfect game 10 out 10

User Rating: 10 | MLB 09: The Show PS3
Game play,stadium,graphics,everything about the game is great the true feeling about being at at baseball game. What I would like to see for next years game is the ability to Change the PLAYERS AGE I like to play multiple season and I hate players retiring at ages of 31,32,33 It's only a video game come on not real life. I hope by next years game it gets even closer to being at a baseball game. The one thing they should have is a list of retired players that you unlock that can be use in the franchise mode players like Tony Gwynn, Ozzie Smith, Mark Mcguire, Sammy Sosa, Cal Ripken ect. I do hope MLB 10 The Show is three time better than 2k10 and realistic.

One example of making MLB 10 The Show better would be catchers on pop up fly out's they take their mask off, foul balls to the infield or outfield fans reached out like they would in real life, maybe a home run over turn. Another thing fight not actual fighting but maybe just both team clear the bench and bull pen running to the mound arguing not any actual contact at the end players would get ejeted or just they stay in the game.

Over all make MLB 10 The Show better like no other game better than madden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!