Best baseball game, only on PS3.

User Rating: 8 | MLB 09: The Show PS3
This game is one of the best sports games made annually. Obviously it is a baseball game and what you will be doing in the game doesn't need to be described, but what you are buying this game for is Road to the Show mode and Franchise mode. Period. I am not a big RTTS guy, but have tried it out and it is very cool. I spend more of my time on my Texas Rangers franchise. In franchise mode you will get all of your players trades, free agents, marketing, stats, pretty much anything you would expect to have in a baseball game. Basically, you are only going to buy this game if you like baseball and it is a game that is only worth buying if you play it and keep up on your franchise or RTTS. I love the game, but playing it as much as I have, I know there are several disapointing/ repetitive parts of the game. The announcing is very good at first, but after a few games it is old and the incorrect dialogue is disheartning. My final word on this game is that it is the best baseball game out by far and for anyone that is a sports fan, it is a must buy. It is very fun, but expect it to get old.