It's certainly not 7.0

User Rating: 8.5 | Mirror's Edge PC
Running across buildings with a first person view in Mirror's Edge is a breath of fresh air & has a decent story to go with it. Well described enviroments , good graphics, great level design. you don't have to go by 7.0 rating by GS. This game will definitely make your heart skip a beat & running sequences will let the adrenaline fly.the best part is you won't feel dull periods in the game, there are none. i recommend this game to all who wanna try something other then FPS & RPG's. My ratings are:

Graphic: 8.5
Storyline: 8.0
Gameplay: 8.5

Total: 8.3

Only flaw i can say is the length of the game i felt, was a bit short, but it's uniqueness manages it all.Overall it's fun to play which is most important. Eagerly awaiting it's sequel, You don't wanna miss out on this one